Saturday, April 20, 2013

Welcoming Families Around the World

There are many steps I would take to welcome a child a their family from Qatar.  I would first seek general information about the country from the internet and the embassy.  This would help to provide me with a general overview on the countries customs, social rules of behavior, clothing, holidays, religion,etc.  My next step would be to have a lengthy conversation with the family to learn about the family culture, their ideas of education, gender roles, behavior, family celebrations, and other information that is specific to the family.  This would aide in ensuring I have culturally proper interactions with the child, their family, and provide some consistency between home and school.  I would ask the family to teach me common words and phrases, 1 or 2 children's games and songs.  Having this information would allow me to increase my interaction with the child as well as the interaction between the child and other children.  We would be able to greet the child in their native language, play games they are familiar with, and sing songs.  This alone will aide in the child feeling accepted and valued and increase a positive classroom environment.  It would be important for the child to see a representation of their culture within the classroom, so family pictures, pictures of famous and well know places in Qatar, food, flowers and clothing for dramatic play should be added. Lastly, I would have the family come in as often as possible to read stories, sing songs, share meals and treats native to their country, and tell family and culture stories.  Including the family will show my respect and value for the uniqueness and diversity they bring to my classroom.  It will enhance the relationship and will create a positive  foundation for the family as I would be their first experience with a non-native teacher and school.

1 comment:

  1. Talibah you gave a very nice overview of how to welcome a child from another culture. I had a learning experience a few years ago when i had to welcome a non-English speaking child to my class. I wish that I had your advice to help me. I really like the suggestion on asking the parents to teach the class popular children's games and songs. This was a wonderful post and thanks for such helpful tips.
