Saturday, March 16, 2013

My Family Culture

If I had to choose three items to take with me that would represent my culture I would take my bible (NKJV), the temptations Christmas album, and a cookbook.  Religion is very important in my culture, as it is the guiding force in my life.  I was raised in the church by my parents and grandparents.  Many summer weeks were spent in vacation bible school and every morning my grandmother had bible study with my sister and I when we visited her for the summer.  I was taught and believe that God is the creator, doer, and maker of all things.  Brining the Bible as one of my three items would allow me to continue to grow in the word.
            A huge part of my culture is family and music, which is why I would bring the Christmas album.  I can remember from being a little girl my parents playing this album during the Christmas holidays, especially Christmas morning.  Whenever I hear songs from it I immediately think of my family, Christmas decorations, and joy.   Food is also a component of my culture.  The cookbook would serve as documentation of popular dishes so that they can be recreated in the future.  I would bring a cookbook that has both traditional soul food meals as well as vegetarian meals which is how I was raised. 
            If I had to choose only one item I would bring the bible because it the one item that would bring me peace.  I had a somewhat difficult time deciding what items to choose because my culture is a combination of many cultures.  I have realized that the most identifying piece of my culture is through memory not artifact.  It does make me think that I should begin to collect or create artifacts that can be shared or passed through generations as memories only last as long the person is alive. 


  1. I can agree that Bible is the first and most important item in my life as well. I think the music is something that I do not think about. we all have music in our culture that represent event, I ideals but most of all my family cooking from a cook book is something that we have never did much of. For us in the south we us a pin of this and a pin of that and some time this make the best food. thank you for your ideal I love the music.

  2. Talibah I really enjoyed reading your post as it was much like my own. I was brought up in a Christian home and my family loved music. And as for that one item to bring, I can't think of anything that would be more important than the word of God. I truely can relate, His word gives me peace when I can't find it no where else. Great post and thanks for sharing.
