Saturday, June 9, 2012

My Supports

There are many supports in my life.  The first support is God, as without him nothing is possible.  Another support is my boyfriend of 4 years.  He listens when I need ears, he encourages me, he calms me down, and he loves me for who I am.  Another support is my mom and dad.  They support me in decision making and help with navigating this thing called adulthood and life.  My friends are emotional support, especially since I embarked on a lifestyle change to lose weight and finish my master’s degree.  Aside from people, I have supports that help to keep me organized that are truly helpful.  I use post it notes daily for everything.  They helped to keep me organized.  Post its also help to prioritize my daily and weekly to do's.  My planner is also a great support in keeping me organized.  My cell phones, both work and personal, hold all of my contacts and emails which is very helpful to have access to immediately.  There are certain apps I use that support me in my quest to maintain a healthier lifestyle such as live strong and Nike training app.
All of my supports are very important to me and without them I feel lost and unorganized.  I almost lost both my mom and dad last year within a day apart and it was the worse feeling I felt in my life.  It would be hard to lose the support of my friends and loved ones.  If it were to happen, I would cherish the advice and support I received over the years; knowing their voices would speak to me at the right time.  If I did not have my planner or cell phones I would use the older method of keeping an address book and creating list on sheets of paper.  It would take longer and would require more organization but, would serve the same purpose. 
If I had to imagine a disability, it would be losing the function of my legs and having to use a wheel chair.  I would really need the support of my family and my boyfriend.  I would have to have modifications done within my home to enter the house and also to gain access to the kitchen to cook and bedrooms upstairs.  I would need supports in my car to help me drive without the use of traditional breaks.  I imagine I would need support of a physical therapist to gain strength to move and adjust to my new lifestyle.  My boyfriend would have to support me in getting dressed and bathing.  Without supports from people and modifications made to my environment I would probably become very depressed. I we all people have challenges and although some are more difficult than others, with the support of family and friends, a spiritual being, and belief in yourself anything can be achieved. 


  1. Wow I cannot imagine they way you felt after losing both you parents. It's good that your other support systems came into action with the unfortunate lose of those two. I like that you need not give up but continued to live your life and enhance yourself. This was really a great post. Sorry about your loses.

  2. Our support system makes it possible for us to live our dreams and to be whoever it is that we want to be. thank you for sharing information about your supports with us. It is a small glimpse into what and who makes you who you are.
