Sunday, March 4, 2012

Birthing Expereince

It is difficult for me to write about a personal birth experience.  Of course I do not remember my own, I do not have any children, and I have not been in the delivery room for any of my friends (only 3) who have had children.  What I can say is that of all my friends who have had children, all asked for assistance from pain medicine, and 2 of the 3 were vaginal.  The cesarean birth was not by choice but a choice made by the doctors.  When the time comes for me to have children I would like to explore the process of natural birth with the assistance of a midwife and doula.  I think the birthing process is amazing.  The impact of the process on child development for me focuses on the parents and how the birthing experience can enhance, change, or deepen their feelings around the freedom and exploration they give their children has they grow. 

In Japan, the birthing process is different than that in the US.  Many women choose to not use pain medicine as representation of suffering in the Buddhist religion. Enduring pains through labor is a representation of the pains and challenges a women will endure during child raising.  This practice of not using pain medication is slowly beginning to change as the use of meds can allow for a more pleasurable birth experience.   During labor in the US, fathers are often the labor coaches and/or present during delivery but, that is not common practice in Japan.  Fathers are only allowed to be present if they have taken prenatal classes with the mother.  Also in Japan women stay in the hospital much longer than women in the US after giving birth.  My friends who had vaginal births were sent home in 3 days and my friend who had a cesarean delivery was sent home after 7 days.  In Japan, mothers stay at the hospital for at least 5 days after a vaginal birth and a minimum of 10 for ceserean birth.


Schalken, L. (n.d.) Birth customs around the world. Parents. Retrieved on March 3, 2012 from

1 comment:

  1. Hello,

    My son was born with the help of a doctor in a room full of help. It was a great experience for the two of us. My daughter was born with a midwife also a great experience. Bless are those who are strong enough to have a child without medicine. I went in with instructions do not wait until it is to late to give me something. It was amazing and any way you chose to have your child it will be amazing!
