Saturday, February 9, 2013

Research Around the World

After reviewing many articles in many of European Early Childhood Education Research Journal, I noticed that many of the topics of research were very similar to those being explored in here in the United States.  I saw many articles on the study of language, specifically early language development and adult support, play, and children’s participation in research.  In the latest articles published, many were focused on the immersion of culture in education.  One article, entitled “Preschool Teachers’ View on Learning Preschool in Denmark and Sweden” is about how teachers in both countries understand children’s learning in school (Broström, Johansson, Sandberg & Frøkjær, 2012).  Another article, “What they believe and what they do” focuses on Turkish kindergarten teachers and their beliefs on what they believe and do in regards to teaching (Varol, 2012).  These most recently published articles appear to have a focus on teacher development and education, which is also a huge push in many school districts in the United States.

Of the top four read articles published in the journal, three of them focused on play.  This indicates the understanding and focus on play for young children is a battle being fought in countries all over the world.  Of the many articles on the site, the sections dedicated to the aims and scope of the website was the most interesting.  In the aims and scope, the journal identifies its principal purpose, “provide a forum for publication of original research in early childhood education” (Aims and Scope, 2011).  This section identified the target areas of study, birth through age eight, and states the intentions of publication.  This stood out to me as I have rarely seen a site to specifically detail its aims, purpose, and intentions.  I will be visiting this site in the future to increase my personal knowledge or current research in ECE worldwide.


Aims and Scope. (2011). European Early Childhood Education Research Association. Retrieved from

Broström, S., Johansson, I., Sandberg, A., & Frøkjær, A. (2012). Preschool teachers’ view on learning in preschool in Sweden and Denmark. European Early Childhood Education Research Association, 1-14. doi: 10.1080/1350293X.2012.746199

Varol, Filliz. (2012). What they believe and what they do. European Early Childhood Education Research Association. Retrieved from