Professionally, I have virtual and human supports. My team lead is my support for handling new situations, having difficult conversations with teachers, and pushing me to reach higher potentials. My colleagues are a great support in me learning a navigating a new curriculum in which I support teachers. The use of outlook calendar and email are vital in my keeping meetings in order, being on time, and staying abreast with all the changes and happenings within my office.
In both professional and personal life, I use post-it notes and list to help me remember things. I have lots of list on my iPhone for grocery store visits, music I want to by, events I want to attend, etc. I also use the iPhone calendar to keep me up to date with all of my events. Without having supports, both human and other, I would be very unorganized, frustrated, and lost. Supports help to maintain order and peace. Supports help me to move forward and without it, I can imagine I would become stagnate.
A challenge would be the lost of my hearing. A support I did not mention above, is music. I somewhat live my life like there is a soundtrack for it. I often use music to express feelings and thoughts. Music is used to create certain environments, and music is my escape. With the loss of hearing I would have to learn sign language, and I would have to adjust to how I listen to music. Conversations among friends and family would have to be done through written conversation until they also learned sign language. I would seek the support of doctors for hearing aides or other medical devices. I do not think I would have to change a lot within my home to adjust to the challenge. I can imagine I would be frustrated initially however, I would be able to continue life.